Sunday, June 7, 2009

M Jak Milosc 790 Online

June 29 saw the first Workshop of April.
The theme was about "legitimacy of the restoration."
The workshop sought to understand the limits of intervention into objects or fragments of them, the criteria can be developed and the need for different conceptual tools to address this complex issue.
initially projected a PowerPoint, which could see "objects" (a museum and architectural) to restore, but some of them had particular characteristics, such as patina, traces of use, marks, from being removed, was obtained the disappearance of important historical aspects of the object.
Although not referred to the regulatory aspects of restoration, if briefly recounted the history of the restoration concept.
Sandra Escudero proposed to reflect the "Ship of Theseus paradox," which refers about the ship of the legendary Greek hero, the gradual deterioration that is being replaced piece by piece over generations to not have any original material. You could then divide the criteria in "essentialist" and "materialists", from each of which could be argued about the reality of the boat or not restored in this way.
With this initial knowledge, we worked on the concept of "when restore" and "if the restoration is always desirable."
It stemmed from the difficulty of restoring core values \u200b\u200bmay be lost when the object, a key issue, for example, the restoration of buildings or objects whose material shows the elapsed time.
After of archaeological fragments have been distributed and antiques, along with the existing Charter of Restoration (1987), it was critical to achieve a result while reflecting on "what to do."
The results were surprising, since it is strongly recommended that the non-restoration, even though it is one of the most desired in the "imaginary museum" for its high specialization. Instead recommended the conservation, maintenance fees "ruskinianos" (1), treated as valuable historical aspect evident in the pieces presented.
A summary prepared by one of the participants, will soon posted on the blog.
recall that these workshops are held in the Greenhouse of City Museum, one Friday per month, 4 to 6 pm.
The next workshop will deal with specific mounting patterns museum.
1 - Ruskin's work is part art criticism, rebelling against the social results of the operator. Formulated the theory that art is something spiritual and peaked in the Gothic style with a strong religious inspiration and moral implications.
His view restoration covers what is called "beauty of the ruin," which is itself an aesthetic and, above all, romantic. Therefore held in restoration of minimal intervention, helping only to the conservation of old buildings, by a timely rescue tactics, consisting in general, the invisibility of the means employed, as they should interfere as little as possible in the perception of the work.

Rocco Siffredi Wheelchair

Hello! Study

Hi everyone! Long time no actualizabamos because we were both busy. Manoel working, as long as I prepared selectivity.
How I was? I hope fine. I have to wait for the notes will be ready on 25 this month.
already be in Argentina! So here I will celebrate or bored there thinking that on my return I shall return to the studio.
had written another post but I could not change the font. Tanhauser started copying from an email and I changed all the lyrics! So here I put it like that, without the dieresis hahaha! And what has he to do? What wondered how he gone so here's why I started writing this post.
What I can tell? During these days I spend quite a study room was a mess so here this week I leave to the nines because on Sunday we will have a visit from my brother Matias. He comes from France and stay at home a few hours before returning to Argentina. It re lindo get someone from the family from Argentina:) We're thrilled, even if only a couple of hours.
Anyway next week we will be those who take a plane headed home. Ohhhh how nice! Can not imagine the desire I have to be there. Or, who are away from your family will understand me.
be three weeks only but hey better than nothing right? ;)
Day 2 was the birthday of my dad. How time flies, and fortunately the pain passes but these peaks are always where you get to mourn like crazy and then you calm down.
know what? I feel so glad. I love miss him this way. It must be sad not to miss someone who is loved so much. My dad is my pride and a smile to me know that I come from good wood.
Well I'm going to watch my beloved while cooking. Today it's noodles with meat sauce!
kisses and hugs to everyone and thank you very much for joining us.
This week I'll go through their virtual houses.