Monday, March 29, 2010

Masterba Tin G Tips For G Irl S


The Chair of Museology I ESM, in conjunction with the Student of the school has been carrying out two types of activities "outside" the school.
The objectives are twofold:

  1. Make contact with concrete realities, related to heritage and museums.

  2. To show the reality of the School of Museology in larger areas that the state cultural policy and paerticular museums.
El primer objetivo tiene que ver con la aplicabilidad de la teoría aprendida en la escuela, la cual debe estar relacionada con una praxis.
La idea es que esa praxis sea efectuada con un mínimo riesgo para el patrimonio involucrado, y que al mismo tiempo, sea útil para la conservación.
El segundo objetivo es más ambicioso, y consiste en relacionar alumnos, profesores y conceptos clave de la museología con instituciones que, si bien no son necesariamente museos, poseen un marcado interés por la preservación, conservación o  restauración del patrimonio propio o común. 
Homework is absolutely voluntary, pro bono hours and working groups to define for better aprovechamento and participation.

To this end, two types of suggested activities this year are:

to "The Workshop of the 4:
This meeting Where to be held activiaddes practices related to the implementation of museological theories. 4 workshops will be made in various museums, performing tasks for reflection, planning on specific objects, but not physically intervene on them, and yet the student and professional sun.
will be made each Thursday or Friday, 4 to 6 pm, at the following museums:

  • Memorial Museum

  • Museum Natural Sciences

  • City Museum

b-pre Practices - Professional:
is a support to institutions that have some type of heritage need to be put in value through simple and effective action, short on time, and allow a profit for both the student and the institution.
have contacted the following institutions for this year:

  • Rowing Club Alberdi

  • Technical School Rodolfo Rivarola

  • Institute of Tradition Martin Fierro

hope that the work can be useful for all, as a first mean professional contact with reality.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pocket Bike Phoenix Az

Over here we follow.

Hi everyone! After eight months away I am here to give signs of life:)
Why do we write? I do not know, perhaps as yet one will lose interest and not wanting to let him go until suddenly you realize that someone might be interested to know how these.
Well what I can tell? They spent a lot of things: I passed the selectivity, started the last quarter degree in psychology, went to live alone and finally my sister came to visit her boyfriend. Not much?
Today I am bit "talker", I just wanted you to know that we are well and will always remember fondly. Besos
and hugs to everyone.