Saturday, October 11, 2008

Cat Hard Lump In Belly

No! I am dedicated to selling products online! These are the ones who just bought at the Corte Ingles. Mmmmm write while I revel in exquisite chocolate peanuts with Arcor. That rich! I remember when we were little girls we went for a walk with my sister and we ate a package between the two. What fond memories! Cristina
Two weeks ago, the girl who lives with us, brought us a brochure announcing the month Corte Inglés Argentina. Last week we went to court but found nothing so here today we went to that and there always was: a small corner that made me immensely happy. There was everything! Even the snacks Holland! (I did not buy because they were expensive. Well not so much but I wanted to bring me a box or bon bon.) Enter there made me feel a little at home. So many flavors and so many moments that came to mind. Not that crazy? I bought probably not pure crap I end up alone. I'm not eating too many sweets but just knowing that I have make my life. Hahahaha! That exaggerated! But hey, who are away from home, I understand. And those who do not too!
We have two more weeks so here again for salt fine (I was exhausted) and see if I find tambiénn pizza seasoning.
I'm happy, I know it's a silly thing but to see on my desk a bottle of Gancia reminds me of my dad. With it took a few cups before the barbecue. I will not have the roast but I will in all that I remember. What I have to look in the mirror.
Well this post was not to get sad che!
Kisses and hugs for everyone. I'm going to empanzar
a bit lol!


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