Friday, December 3, 2010

Kate Nash Piano Sheets

computer expert believes that Stuxnet was created as a weapon for cyber warfare Iran

Ralph Langner, a recognized expert in industrial security systems, has released the results of a study on the worm Stuxnet, which says there is a strong possibility that a nation has created the worm to attack an Iranian nuclear power plant. Langner
He speculated that the target of the worm is the Bushehr nuclear plant in Iran, working with el programa de Siemens afectado. Langner sospecha que los problemas técnicos que sufrió la planta el año pasado fueron causados por el gusano Stuxnet. Además, el experto sospecha que la gran cantidad de infecciones que tiene este país son porque los atacantes quieren llegar a esta planta.

El experto comparte las sospechas de que el gusano es demasiado sofisticado como para que haya sido creado por un pirata informático común y corriente: “este no es un simple pirata sentado en el sótano de la casa de sus padres. Yo creo que sólo una nación tiene suficientes recursos como para organizar este ataque”.

Entre los principales sospechosos de haber desarrollado el gusano se encuentran Estados Unidos and Israel, according to Langner are two nations with more resources and motivation to attack Iran's nuclear plants.

"The attack combines an amazing amount of technical knowledge: just think of the number of unknown vulnerabilities exploited, stolen certificates, etc. This could only have been composed by a highly qualified team of experts, some with experience in control of specific systems. "

Langner's study found that Stuxnet is not spyware, but a program designed to launch attacks to destroy and cause physical damage to systems with very specific settings Siemens.

"The problem is not Stuxnet. Stuxnet is history, "Langner said," The problem is the new generation of malware to come. " Langner

present the results of their study in a private conference in Maryland, to be attended by experts from Siemens.


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