Saturday, January 1, 2011

Have Noma Programmable Thermostat

arrested 19 people for using the power of Zeus to steal bank accounts

Central Cybercrime Unit of London Metropolitan Police (CPUSA) has arrested and questioned 15 men and four women suspected of having used the Zeus Trojan to steal bank details from users of the Internet.
this band of stealing about $ 9.5 million to customers of British banks in just three months, but as the attack also affected users around the world it is possible that total cybercriminals have won hundreds of thousands dollars.

Zeus The band used to infect their victims and get data access to their bank accounts online. The criminals hired mules to transfer money to accounts until you wash time.

Police have not filed charges against the detainees, aged between 23 and 47, but may be accused of computer abuse and fraud and possession charges are added firearms against two of the suspects.


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