Sunday, December 28, 2008

College Cultural Group Name

Hi everyone! For two months after the last post so here he was playing to write something? I guess more than one this happens to leave "without wanting wanting" home away cyborg so here understand that it happens.
Here we are at home: making pizza. I make the dough and the above Manoel. Angie lies (as always) on the couch. We are alone, the kids went to spend the holidays with their families so here this 31 we will celebrate, like last year, the three by themselves.
Christmas? We celebrate with the family of Manoel. It was good. And with new member! Juanin! Already commented in the previous post or the previous one, can not remember. That baby is precious! If even just want to have one! But we need live alone and is currently not possible. When you get a good job (To be sure) we will consider the future. For now I'm at home, housewife (forgive the redundancy). Manoel changed jobs, pay better and last month did not come home for lunch. Now he bought a small motorcycle so here starting tomorrow and you can eat me. They are 10 minutes from time that took the subway to home.
We plan to go to Argentina in July and visit the south in the company of my mom. Hopefully we can. I think so:)
My family is much better, little by little overcoming the loss of my dad like me.
This year's Christmas was not as sad as before. I cried a little but I lived different. My mom also noticed better.
what else I can tell? mmmm can not think of anything. Ahhh yeahhhh
that the way to Madrid yesterday we caught the snow! We had to get off the chains and put cold cagamos us hahaha! I never really so cold. We had heads full of snow and I could not do any photo of the moment because we were trying to (unsuccessfully) the channels until it became the thrower and we track.
Well I dismissal. The pizza is ready namm namm ..
Have happy holidays in the company of their loved ones and to remember that ever present but are no longer filled with love.
Kisses and hugs for everyone!
The Christmas picture:)

Monday, October 27, 2008

What Does Your Stomach Do Inside When It Rumbles

Hi everyone! Today I receive this tango that are absolutely stunning! To you not?
And why? I do not know, I'm not listening to tango but today I got to that side. Maybe because it makes me feel closer to home. I can not dance even a little bit but maybe I could learn. Manoel surely not dislike the idea of \u200b\u200blearning with me. I do not know if a classroom course, maybe get something online, for a change lol!
And do I tell? That still stand in the Corte Ingles Argentina and the Saturday we went for more supplies:) We brought bread sticks, sweet potato, corkscrew pasta, meat, nougat and caramel. On Friday, again, is the Last day, and bring a little more. This re good to see so much of Argentina.
On Saturday, God willing, we will go to Asturias to know the baby and from there to Pontevedra two or three days. Not much because our pussycat stays at home. When we return back to the work load. And I get to study for selectivity. I know that much but better to go for a little no?
Well I'm going to finish ordering your room and do a little bike.
Kisses and hugs for everyone.
chocolates there is music to you;)
Pictured: Our pussycat this morning while I was sunbathing.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Watch Free Pokemon Episodes

Desocupadisima =^.^=! Argentine Flavors

Hi everyone! Finally today I can write! As the title says I'm desocupadisima post. Today they told me would do without my job not because he did wrong but because the company provides a certain amount of hours as they were exceeded were left without me. And that's all.
Asique from tomorrow go back to being a housewife but experienced in bending, perch and hang clothes: D
Also tell them that my beloved has changed jobs and in another week we will meet our nephew. We can not wait! I do not think we go up photos online because we are crazy not our families. But if I tell what the dwarf.
is re chiquitoooooooo!
Well so here I will know more often around here.
Kisses and hugs for everyone. One very special
the chocolates;)
Ayyyyyyyyyyy I forgot! In my house in Argentina is a new member! We (I say as if we lived there lol!) Left a dog in the front door and we adopted him (still with us.) It's a preciousness! And it is growing our canine-feline family. There are now 7! Kisses and hugs for

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Cat Hard Lump In Belly

No! I am dedicated to selling products online! These are the ones who just bought at the Corte Ingles. Mmmmm write while I revel in exquisite chocolate peanuts with Arcor. That rich! I remember when we were little girls we went for a walk with my sister and we ate a package between the two. What fond memories! Cristina
Two weeks ago, the girl who lives with us, brought us a brochure announcing the month Corte Inglés Argentina. Last week we went to court but found nothing so here today we went to that and there always was: a small corner that made me immensely happy. There was everything! Even the snacks Holland! (I did not buy because they were expensive. Well not so much but I wanted to bring me a box or bon bon.) Enter there made me feel a little at home. So many flavors and so many moments that came to mind. Not that crazy? I bought probably not pure crap I end up alone. I'm not eating too many sweets but just knowing that I have make my life. Hahahaha! That exaggerated! But hey, who are away from home, I understand. And those who do not too!
We have two more weeks so here again for salt fine (I was exhausted) and see if I find tambiénn pizza seasoning.
I'm happy, I know it's a silly thing but to see on my desk a bottle of Gancia reminds me of my dad. With it took a few cups before the barbecue. I will not have the roast but I will in all that I remember. What I have to look in the mirror.
Well this post was not to get sad che!
Kisses and hugs for everyone. I'm going to empanzar
a bit lol!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Free Actual Size Dialation Chart

The missing jajaja (title theft)

Hi everyone! After ..... pufff that not even remember! Well, that, after taaaaaaanto time here I am again. Try to write while chatting with a friend (what does this have to be working, a little life makes cybernetics) ...
I am! Well I'll tell you: On the selectivity was I wrong. So here I'll try again in June. Anyway I knew it would be okay. I introduced myself to know how was the test. It was a necessary experience. Now put the batteries for the second time to see if I go next year to facu:)
other hand I started working two weeks ago. Work Zara the airport in the afternoon and at about 11 and half of the night I'm home. They are 6 hours a day 6 days a week. The truth is a little stressful but now there is. What will I pay to save because luckily Manoel's salary reaches us.
is good because I get distracted a lot and I feel compelled to begin studying English because to be there 50% of people speak that language. The rest are English and Italian. The funny thing is that I understand but I'm a cheese to respond lol! Let's see if I meet my goal and start to talk fairly well. I will tell you.
what else I can tell? I do not know, my cat gets mad when I get home, which loooooooong purrs and gets re mimosa. I see my loved one a while ago, another time at noon, when it comes to lunch and two short hours and long evenings. I do not know, so it appears that married life is not working? Anyway we have a full day on the weekend to share it completely. And then we have a holiday GONE!
Well I'm not very inspired, it's late, it's almost two o'clock and I write because I know I owe.
Thanks for always being our friends on the other side.
Kisses and hugs for everyone.
Tomorrow I will try to visit them all.
I love them!
The photo: A little bug I do not remember what it is called eating from my hand. The Manoel took in Faunia. Pd
!! We guys! The wife's brother Manoel had to "Juanin." Still did not go to see it. You win! Hopefully we can soon:))

Monday, August 11, 2008

Imagenes De Mujeres En Panti

The late

call me the disappeared

That when it is gone

come flying, flying I

Hurry hurry to straying

When I I'm never looking

When I find I am not

Manu Chau So says the song Missing, of course my namesake. And if I take a looong time without writing anything. Lack of time, would be my excuse but I've used so many times it sounds like a cliché. The truth is that my writing is easy for me when I'm happy and content, and, like many, inspiration comes to me at times when my mood is lower.

But that does not mean, of course, is now at one of those moments, but since my wife is busy studying the selectivity, my turn to leave you a cherry, a brief outline of our present time .

's hot, who may live in Madrid, or any similar weather city, you know how horrible it can be. We're both sticky, with the window open wide, with a fan and some air coming through the doors open. I in trunks, in her tracksuit trousers. Life, nothing to say about marriage, all you heard in the past turned out to be true, and even my mother is a delight. The family also well, the three families, from lau, that of my party, and which we lau, to Angie and me. In return anything to be guys, this time with a child. Although my brother has stolen the name lau had in mind for our future child, it was pure chance and good, we must find another name.
Our travels to Argentina in April was wonderful and short. Well, I was short. We had great, the wedding of the brother of Lau was a surprise for me, I had never seen a wedding in Argentina, and the truth is that not the same as the English, where the most important thing is to eat and drink. I met sooooo many families, it now also mine. I met new places. Argentina caaaarneeee ate until I came out of his ears, but the truth, I'm not the least tired, we brought a few kilos of steak that passed through customs without problems, so I could enjoy a bit more of that wonder, it makes me your mouth water and return to Homer Simpson saying apparently Cerveeeezaaa and Caaaarneeeee, ay! that Quilmes.
After three short week vacation in July, 1 ½ in Pontevedra and another in Madrid, enjoying our mutual company. It also made me short, and the lap was hard, but I will tell you who do not know, or imagine.
Well, he said, although I do not write here, sometimes with my own hand, sometimes the inspiration and the love of my beloved wife, but since this is a blog of two people, let alone I do not write (lau saying leads me to do a long time, lol).
Kisses and hugs to everyone.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Master Lock Number Combination Finder

found this video on the internet and liked it so much I want to share with you.
Chiristian is the story of a lion who was raised like a kitten and a year later led to Africa to dwell as others of their species.
After two years of their owners went to visit him thinking that I might not recognize them and this is what happened:

Christian the Lion - Funny blooper videos are here

and Kisses hugs.
Thanks for being on the other side)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Condelece Thank You Wording

You left something exciting ...

A year ago, I do not know why and I'll never know. Just know that you left behind you to a family who loves you and love you every day a little more. I thought
write tomorrow because for me is tomorrow, but I felt like today and here I am.
Within hours you will be a Mass in honor ... Will you be there as I feel that these floating around here? Papi how time flies! It does not hurt but it hurts less calm. Yesterday was Father's Day and I had nothing to celebrate, not remembering because last year you went to that time no one could say hello.
know? He planned to climb each month a rose in your honor but does not work, does nothing but feel sad. What is to remember that you left? Not at all, only to suffer so here this is the last. Since the take it personally when you can, go where I have not really take them because you're not there. But Well, there's your body does not? Pa
Well, I do not know what else to say. What do you want? Yes. A lot. Even the sky. Even your arms. Your eyes. Even your heart.
I miss you.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Helicopter Brookstone

Like I love you ... like I love you ... Happy Birthday Daddy

... tell yourself, tell yourself no one will love you

I love this song and obviously has a unique destination for me, my beloved husband Manoel. Yesterday
looked at this picture and I melted, so I want to share with you today. I do not know, I look, I melt, I draw a huge smile and I am immensely happy.
Would I repeat? " I know! I get cloying but no matter! I am madly in love and all the love you give is matched twice. What else I can ask? The years go by and continue so in love.
Kisses and hugs for everyone. Today with more love than usual.

Monday, June 2, 2008

How To Find A Game In Cydia

Hello pa! You know? I really wanted to write and now I come to mourn a tremendous desire not know if I can keep writing because I see all cloudy. It would be ideal to hold you to save me so many words.
know? Two days ago I had a chat with Eli and told him that as he approached your birthday was not feeling well, I have problems gastric and they really want me to mourn. I began to mourn as she spoke. I said that I should not get worse, they discharged me writing as I always do. I told him I did not feel like he preferred to wait for this day. Hold on for a while I'll turn off the radio, and come. I have come is that Angie gets on the table is computed in the room and touches everything. It was not the radio, was the DTT (digital terrestrial television, a TV that can be seen in the computer and also on TV. I do not know explain it!). Well the point is that Angie is touched the mouse and changed the channel. You know? Sometimes when you feel alone, starts to meow until the call and comes running. It's more silly! But it's so companion! He realizes it! At night always sleeps at the foot of Manoel and in cases like last night when we see that it is one of the two lifts to get her. But do not worry, I know you do not like cats sleep in bed with people. Angie never gets inside, not like. Instead are the feet of Manoel. It will be the smell? hahaha! Papi
you know I love you a lot? That silly, no? Of course you do, you always show it. Re was good to have you as a dad. You were always so sweet to us that we could not not be with you. Without hesitation I can say that you were the best person I met in my entire life. I would love to know as sure abuelo.Pero going to spoiling you all! I remember when once in the table talk about it and you eyes filled with tears. What the fuck you can not enjoy that! It's actually a shame not to keep enjoying you. That you were grand pa! All who knew you regret that you're gone. And who is lucky we all strange? Vos. And we, your family, we are proud to know you were good people not just your family but all around you.
Yesterday I spoke with mom, went to mass. Can you believe I was not sure when was your birthday? That's your fault that you always wanted to greet the 1 (the document) and 2 (the real). I chose to greet you today. Although yesterday I kissed your as picture and you said hello. But what a fool! If not sure you realize?
Eli says that today will roast to celebrate your birthday. Not wanting to be sad. I told you to write on the blog. Here you can not do ROAST. And you owe me! I can only see on video saying that we were going to make one just like that you were eating.
I thought today would be sadder, maybe I exhausted my tears the other day. Well you know, suddenly I get the desperation and I can not stop. But not bad, but how do I download the anger and sadness in me? Breaking things? Maybe, but I'd cry a little and does not, does not here. Perhaps some day have the opportunity to do so. It would be good;)
I would hug you and fill you with kisses. And tonight if you get in my dreams so that we celebrate as a family? And of course, do the barbecue to satisfy the debt. Dale
daddy, come to my dreams. I'll wait. I love you daddy
cute, I love you so so so so much ..
I do the movie and imagine that as I write you at my side trying to dry my tears. Angie says Miuuuu at this time. It will be a sign? hahaha! No, nothing like that. Ayyy
as I miss you daddy! And how do I do now to cook? Did you know that when I'm ugly I get food? Well if when you left me salia disgusting food. Abrazame daddy is rebueno. I loved that you did.
I was going to give the last shot that we did together but I'm a cheese with the scanner and will not revert. I look bad. So here I give you this that is funny. We did it with the computed camera. Sixty
and .. that this old man!
Hahaha! At the end it seems that if I can! There I leave you both! Quieroooooooooooooooo you!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Bone Cancer In Doberman


Hi everyone! To begin our lovely friend tell Genin no I missed the text. This flower is repeated every 17 because it is the day which, for me, my dad said goodbye. And say to me because in Argentina it was still 16.
has long wanted to write to tell you about our trip, but let's offline for a while. A week ago we were given 1 of 4 megs we had to leave us alone after we offered 20 promising that change would not affect anything. Obviously we found low.
Well one of these days I'm inspired by and tell you a bit about the trip. Just wrote to let this flower to my daddy and tell all of you who miss them. And go to visit them.
Kisses and hugs to everyone and thanks for always being ;)

Friday, March 28, 2008

Christmas Message Abcbefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz

We're going to Argentina!

Sisisisisi! Tonight we got on a plane ARGENTINA!
already have the bags packed and when in a couple of hours Manoel get home we'll go to check-in and leave them there. I hope we get good seats. We try to do last night by the Iberia website but was canceled the service: (
is crazy! Tomorrow at 9.30 am we reached Buenos Aires. How nice!
sad thing is the uncertainty Manoel not knowing if you can eat meat. Hahahaha! He kept all last week showing off at home with their parents to eat the best beef in the world. When he heard said he would not!
Well, eat other things. Also I do not think that last as long the strike? : S
With respect to the responses to my previous post I thank you immensely every word. Two nights ago I dreamed I was afraid of something and I started to pray, then I felt much better. I'm sure I will gradually returning to the faith.
The other day I chatted with xtuco and I did very well. And by the way, I have a cd with photos for Feripula so here I have no choice to see it to surrender. Hahaha! That punishment does not?
Well I say goodbye for now. If we have a little bit in the week we told every little thing.
Kisses and hugs for everyone.
And as always thanks for being on the other side;)
PD. Photo taken by Xtuco from the plane. So we'll see!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Good Gift For A Stroke Patient

Hi everyone! We are in Pontevedra
yesterday. We had a fairly quiet ride, few people on the road and the rain made us company. But today we can say that we had a day quite gray. Not only for rain but because the theme of the day was the goodbye. That goodbye to you can not escape. One of the grandmothers of Manoel is entered, this is 4 soon and the prognosis is not encouraging. Moreover
his father's heart is not right, it's actually a "normal" has a heart valve in a while but like all "sick" should take special care. But he thinks he is indestructible. And here I had to do this telling, at the request of Manoel, so my dad came to an end. Because we all feel they are not going to happen, we all believe that we are special and one day those around us are crying.
Today is 17 and my father is more present. I'm sad to have it so far, but all tell me that now is on my side that will not comfort me. It's crazy to think about how time passed. There are now 9 months. And to think that a month before we talked about the death of one of our best neighbors who also had heart problems. I remember very well have said: "You take care I love you Dad for many years more "And he told me." Stay calm. "And we see that to no avail. It was before we came back to hug. May it be true that there is something beyond this life. Before I believed and that gave me hope. Unfortunately no more to my dad made me change my mind. How sad to have lost faith. It makes me very angry.
Yesterday we had to go looking for Manoel's sister church, did not want to go but did. We got to the saint and then the Our Father. Although I prayed as I did before I could not help doing it from within. I wanted to feel like before but was not the same. I was denied. do not go along because now I'm not in communion with God as to do so. I do not know again feel the same, maybe better, maybe just think we are not alone. Although I intend to believe again that God is with me, that takes care of my loved ones and my dad is in a hope that one day you come back to embrace.
How hard is is making me live apart from God.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Gay Bath House Amman Jordan

Live Like

Hi everyone! Today only write because I wanted to upload this photo. Do not go out very graceful but I love the Manoel kiss my head / face. Do not know, I look so sweet and I love it! It's something you always and that seems so simple that it makes me immensely happy. Are
20.10 and has not yet arrived from work, now had unemployment of "bus" so do not come to lunch and is not expected to arrive on time.
Today is very hot in Madrid, not a time but we are all open windows to air out a bit. Today I was doing bike (like all días9 and had to leave because it was warmer. That slump! But it is not to be suffering so here I got to 40 minutes.
And do I have to tell Well, this order week I will see my friend Noel and we plan to go to Segovia, we do not know if we reach the time because your plane leaves on Sunday at 20 or thereabouts but we'll try. The important thing is being together.
On the other side and start counting the days to be in Buenos Aires, we going on 29 this month and will stay 2 weeks and I Manoel three. He married my brother!
And another! Yesterday my sister went home. Leave veterinary temporarily (he has a year) to study fashion design in Mar del Plata. Today was his first class and is re happy. And there is my mom watching their Poyita begin to explore new paths away from it. Fortunately it is much better. Ayy the desire I have to hug! Finally
buddies, stop writing. I have calooooooor!
Kisses and hugs for everyone.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Full Length House Coats

And the party continues! Andrew's Birthday

On Saturday we celebrated the birthday of Andrew (in the previous post have mini pictures) and as we were more eager Sunday repainting. We did a new photo shoot and we had so much fun.
For many children, but we we we had sooo GOOD! Here we
A kiss and a hug for everyone. Pd
Sorry for being so "short" but every once in a while a mini post is not bad right? ;)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

What Type Of Weaves Do Ciara Use

The images say it all! Muchooo We had fun!
Kisses and hugs to everyone;)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Program Which Looks Like Jib Jab

Estoy Aqui

I will not start as I always start to write, lately very thing that happens occasionally. But the truth is that since Lau came into my life from day to day, just have the time. Most of my time is devoted to work and when I come home, all I want is to enjoy my beautiful wife. The weekend is more or less the same.

So, a year ago, I had all my free time to write, Lau turns to tell you what I felt. I dreamed of the day she arrived. I could hardly believe that she existed. Thus, I had plenty of time between chatting with her via internet or phone (See I got to leave money, lol), I was left was a small space to sit, relax and simply type in what came to my head. Even during my time working, if I had a quiet moment, as he had access to the Internet, used the occasion to write. But in my new (well, I've been a whole year) job, I do not have Internet access, and even if they did, only I have a moment of tranquility. Anyway, here I am, and I can finally write something. We

more than a year together. Last year we celebrated my birthday for the first time together. This year marks the second time, although I seemed the first. Tomorrow we will make the celebration "Official" with a small party. If it is true that on Monday and we celebrated with the guys from the floor, and it had a great time. In fact, I thanked him for Lau more than once for making a normal day and possibly sad (as it had in the past) a wonderful day. But the celebration tomorrow means not having to get up early the next day, not having to think about the next day, so it is quieter.

What I say to you this year, if I said I was the best of my life, would not be near the truth, as all the years of my life have led me to this point, so if we get picky every year of my life would have been the best. But the truth is that this last year of my life brought me so many joys, sorrows, experiences, travel, in short, everything that I can hardly believe it. What we do know is that when I wake in the morning, either go to work, or just hack around at home, at my side I have the person you want to be, the person I want to stay there forever.

is wonderful to be sure about anything, used to be an insecure person, but I'm finally 100% sure of something, and I love my wife, who will love her forever, and my life at my side is finally complete .

The photo I chose because it found the two loves of my life. Because Lau is my soul mate But Angie is my cat mate. I love both infinite.

I hope to have more time and be able to relate a little better the events of our lives, but for now, I leave that task to Lau.

Greetings to all and thanks thousand to continue reading our story.

Lau and Mano, more than a year together so many years that we still have.

Good Upconverting Bluray Player

A month

And every time hurt less. I miss you daddy cute.