Thursday, October 8, 2009

Job Opportunities At Lax

certificates were given the survey done in the Rowers Club Alberdi, in 2008.
Students, Maria Laura Yann, Agustina Correas, Anabela Rivolta, Dario Kozak, Virginia Russo, Maria Laura Cardini, Ariel Lovecchio and Marcos Martinez were coordinated by the teachers in this chair.
At that time, were photographed in the archives, found the degree of conservation, and developed DVDs featuring presentations covering the social history of the club presidents and a brief analysis of the situation of heritage assets. It was work that generated considerable uncertainty about the things we know, and we began to think how to do them well.
The chairman of the board, Psic.Graciela Casella, in December 2008 acknowledged the collaboration, pending a new oral compilation work on the memories of older members, which is almost a moral obligation of the club, according to the president.
the year 2010, we hope to address this new challenge, with students from the school.
Previously, we shall develop a methodology of interviews and collection, always within the discipline of Museology.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Destination Wedding Thank You Note Samples

Continuing the cycle THE WORKSHOP OF 4, will conduct a practice of managing an entire collection, called "The bag of English."
This collection was contained in a bag and apparently belonged to a neighbor of the English Neighborhood.
Donated to the Mobile Museum Quarter of the Refinery a real estate agency ag , the bag was in an empty house for sale, not in the English Neighborhood. The former occupants of the house let old things, remote relatives, and among them was this collection ...
The set of objects is formed by numerous photos, written documents, letters, postcards and telegrams, and is a true biography material.
The task to be addressed during the workshop will "revive" the owner of the bag, built precisely his biography.
The event will be held on Friday 18 September, from 16 hs. and up to 18. Those who attend are asked to bring some latex gloves for the type of material being handled.
Hopefully they can go.
The blog Traveling Museum Quarter Refinery is:

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Cs Source Launching Options

Since we have not had time to practice, we make some final exercises MONGE SYSTEM understanding.
These exercises tend to be assimilate a way of viewing objects altogether.
why the group is thinking about the structure and position of ideal objects and proposed a general idea about how that object is ideal.
In all the years (like we do in the set) verify that nothing is missing in the picture, especially lines, dimensions, thickness, without adding any more light, because they are ALL.
should for all practical purposes, copy these images and then print.
(Hagan click the right mouse button over the image and choose "Save Image As.") keep it, and then printed. The scale can
be different from the print, which oligo we use a calculator to get the dimensions on paper already printed.

Sheet 1

This body is contained in a cube and has a square opening.
see cut AA appears that "sawing" the object. It should be complete.
Two questions:
The cut is horizontal or vertical? How do I get
height drilling, taken from the floor?

Sheet 2

body is similar, except that the drilling is in another position. We must complete what is missing.
One question: How do I get the location of the drilling plan, taken from the back of the object?

Card 3

Another question: How is this object? What operation "mechanics" had to do to make it?

Sheet 4
Let's see if we can draw what is missing in MONGE to represent this object, which seems pretty complex ... but all things considered, it is not.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

M Jak Milosc 790 Online

June 29 saw the first Workshop of April.
The theme was about "legitimacy of the restoration."
The workshop sought to understand the limits of intervention into objects or fragments of them, the criteria can be developed and the need for different conceptual tools to address this complex issue.
initially projected a PowerPoint, which could see "objects" (a museum and architectural) to restore, but some of them had particular characteristics, such as patina, traces of use, marks, from being removed, was obtained the disappearance of important historical aspects of the object.
Although not referred to the regulatory aspects of restoration, if briefly recounted the history of the restoration concept.
Sandra Escudero proposed to reflect the "Ship of Theseus paradox," which refers about the ship of the legendary Greek hero, the gradual deterioration that is being replaced piece by piece over generations to not have any original material. You could then divide the criteria in "essentialist" and "materialists", from each of which could be argued about the reality of the boat or not restored in this way.
With this initial knowledge, we worked on the concept of "when restore" and "if the restoration is always desirable."
It stemmed from the difficulty of restoring core values \u200b\u200bmay be lost when the object, a key issue, for example, the restoration of buildings or objects whose material shows the elapsed time.
After of archaeological fragments have been distributed and antiques, along with the existing Charter of Restoration (1987), it was critical to achieve a result while reflecting on "what to do."
The results were surprising, since it is strongly recommended that the non-restoration, even though it is one of the most desired in the "imaginary museum" for its high specialization. Instead recommended the conservation, maintenance fees "ruskinianos" (1), treated as valuable historical aspect evident in the pieces presented.
A summary prepared by one of the participants, will soon posted on the blog.
recall that these workshops are held in the Greenhouse of City Museum, one Friday per month, 4 to 6 pm.
The next workshop will deal with specific mounting patterns museum.
1 - Ruskin's work is part art criticism, rebelling against the social results of the operator. Formulated the theory that art is something spiritual and peaked in the Gothic style with a strong religious inspiration and moral implications.
His view restoration covers what is called "beauty of the ruin," which is itself an aesthetic and, above all, romantic. Therefore held in restoration of minimal intervention, helping only to the conservation of old buildings, by a timely rescue tactics, consisting in general, the invisibility of the means employed, as they should interfere as little as possible in the perception of the work.

Rocco Siffredi Wheelchair

Hello! Study

Hi everyone! Long time no actualizabamos because we were both busy. Manoel working, as long as I prepared selectivity.
How I was? I hope fine. I have to wait for the notes will be ready on 25 this month.
already be in Argentina! So here I will celebrate or bored there thinking that on my return I shall return to the studio.
had written another post but I could not change the font. Tanhauser started copying from an email and I changed all the lyrics! So here I put it like that, without the dieresis hahaha! And what has he to do? What wondered how he gone so here's why I started writing this post.
What I can tell? During these days I spend quite a study room was a mess so here this week I leave to the nines because on Sunday we will have a visit from my brother Matias. He comes from France and stay at home a few hours before returning to Argentina. It re lindo get someone from the family from Argentina:) We're thrilled, even if only a couple of hours.
Anyway next week we will be those who take a plane headed home. Ohhhh how nice! Can not imagine the desire I have to be there. Or, who are away from your family will understand me.
be three weeks only but hey better than nothing right? ;)
Day 2 was the birthday of my dad. How time flies, and fortunately the pain passes but these peaks are always where you get to mourn like crazy and then you calm down.
know what? I feel so glad. I love miss him this way. It must be sad not to miss someone who is loved so much. My dad is my pride and a smile to me know that I come from good wood.
Well I'm going to watch my beloved while cooking. Today it's noodles with meat sauce!
kisses and hugs to everyone and thank you very much for joining us.
This week I'll go through their virtual houses.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Catchy Healthy Diet Solgans

Two students from the Student Center Superior School of Museology, are working on cataloging the Mobile Museum Quarter Refinery. E s a pilot project to test major cataloging in the future, especially for developing criteria of accessibility of museum material.
This museum was formed by the selfless donation of old objects in the neighborhood and the refinery Argentina,
photos, railroad and manufacturing remains, newspapers, magazines and publications for this sector of the city. He has made more than fifty exhibitions and cultural interest is declared, both by the Municipality of Rosario as the City Council. Has received grants for work and is currently pending legal status.
has no headquarters or permanent display, but samples that are being made to various places in the
city, especially in local schools.
has a place to run your shell, Velez Sarsfield Street to 500, where the tasks are developed.
often providing material for researchers and students annually organizes a conference of historians and chroniclers neighborhood, and a meeting of historians bimonthly neighborhood, with free theme. In these activities has the sponsorship and cooperation of the Cultural Center Cinema Lumiere. You can see her blog at and there see the articles and its activities.
The collection has many problems of conservation and above all, they know how many objects had, as its popular character, donations are very common, and just kept the objects in mutual funds.
Thus, the same museum "know" the material he had. Many objects were stored in a hurry, and while they are in good Condic ions were not utlizando or studied, staying in their boxes waiting for their "DISCOVERY." This happened, for example, an employee's work papers tramway in 1923, colonial coins, tin soldiers, several papers and many magazines, objects, as they were donated by their former owners, were deposited in boxes for basic maintenance, and only briefly labeled.
The condition of the people, and being attended voluntarily by residents of the neighborhood, makes the time you can spend very little.
Following this, we decided to order the property, calling him, with the help of students of museology.
The students and Anabela Maria Laura Yann Rivolta are responsible for this tedious task. Coordination was made by Jorge Bernasani, Gustavo Fernetti, and Angela Tasca.
The work itself is marking objects in the collection, cataloging journalistic and graphic material, consisting of magazines and books, and essential design especially alphanumeric cataloging system .
In this paper, we gave priority to collections, which are full donations from neighbors, as is the case file papers a resident of the neighborhood English instruments of a barber shop and disappeared, a group of fifty magazines Faces and Masks, a complete collection of letters, another complex of postcards of all kinds, and an unspecified number of toys, photographs, coins, papers and drawings of the neighborhood. They are very numerous magazine
s of the 60 to 7 0, and sequences of journals relating to the Falklands War and the years of military process. Some items are unique, such as a copy of the 1916 ballot for the first vote under the law Sáenz Peña, flyers Montoneros among other "oddities."
collections generated from non-traditional collectors, but from the stories of life, so it is important to preserve as representative units.
was imperative to refer both cataloging the collection to the individual number of the object and the material, its characteristics.
The way to catalog the collection was designed giving priority rather than a pure sequential numbering, and was to give the group number of items donated jointly, then each component of the collection. Avoided and dismember each library, while easy to find the object in the tank and the list of accessibility.
Each subject was classified by numbers and letters also key that would allow a group "virtual" object type, by date, by collection or quantity.
marking methodology was to continue taking steps to conservation, dividing objects into type materials: wood, metal, glass, ceramics, fabric and paper. Given the characteristics of objects, almost all of daily use, could establish in this way, and by only three marking materials and ink, marking was achieved stable, secure and fast. This has been outlined by layers of marking, which were performed by simple technique of brush and pen.
The three types of markings correspond to objects of metal, glass and ceramic and wood, changing only the base primer.
For marking on bare metal undecorated, like the buried objects, tools, and all objects of iron, bronze, aluminum, iron, etc., do not resent decorations added. You choose to place a label of white acrylic as the only primer on it is written, the catalog number and "protects all nitrocellulose lacquer (nail polish).
The method for glass and ceramics, is to apply a primer coating to apply the acrylic course, the number and finally the protection. the primer because the acrylic bounces on glazes.
For raw wood, painted or decorated objects with golden application, we chose a primer "soft" PVA, and then repeat the procedimento, but in this case the protection should not exceed conjtorno primer. This is justified because it is less adherent imprimavción the lacquer objects composed of fibers or may desprendimento, besides not penetrate the surface, which occurs with the solvent of nitrocellulose.
The three types of markings are easily reversible with water, alcohol or acetone, according to each material, indicating the alcohol as the least aggressive in general. By "washing" the markup in case of restoration, for example, líuido d elav takes the "whole package", which is anchored in the primer, which is squeezed contact with the surface of the object.
The numbering scheme was formed by a complex symbol.
We give an example catalog number:
For this example, the first code is identificatory MBR museum and secure your property, the second J , the type "toys." The first number 1 refers to the collection that owns the object, which is defined with the last number 022. In case of composite objects, or repeated, adding more code numbers at the end separated by a hyphen or slash, respectively.
material Dial was the most "neutral" as possible. To do this, put a primer, and this is applied a label of quality acrylic paint White and polymerized pigments dissolved in PVA). On this layer opaque, was labeled the number encryption, which is covered for protection with PVA or enamel again. Catalog numbers are located in parts barely visible, although the target was chosen for its ubiación posiblitar in the piece. It was invisible to balance the appreciation in EXHIBITIONS, highly visible for the documentation. Only if specific objects, where it was impossible to "hide" the number, we chose a color label dark. photos, magazines and postcards marked the pencil on the back, or kept in transparent envelopes, as done in the case of coins. While
are marked objects simultaneously drawing up an EXCEL spreadsheet temporary basis, to use more advanced programs on future occasions. Gone are turning to more content forms such as material characteristics, data, status, etc..
All items, whether books, magazines, photos, or three-dimensional objects, follow the same documentation, grouped by collection and property. It documents about 20 items per day of 4 hours once a week, or sixty magazines, this does mean waiting a period of ten weeks to catalog the entire collection, which is estimated at about 1000 objects of all kinds.
This work is very useful for the museum because it captures what their heritage, so you can easily dispose of it, both by those in charge of the museum as for residents and researchers.
dialing techniques were performed according to the criterion of Ms. Pauline Harari and Ms. Olga Nahem SF Sanchez de la Vega, in his work Museologists MARKING OF OBJECTS - UPDATE, published in the Second National Meeting of Museum Directors (ENADIM), Ministry of Culture of the Nation. National Directorate of Museums. Paraná, December 1985. To see the work of these authors, go to page:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Could I Be Pregnant With A Hard Cervix


The chair and the CMS has proposed a practical activity consisting make a simple statement, which will be presented photographs of tanks of Rosario and the region.

The objective of this activity is, first, see the basic problems of a setup, but also the possibility of achieving an overall result.
why tanks? endangered because they are objects, which are threatened by demolition and are now a rarity, therefore, are patrimioniales, initially from a sense of scarcity. They also represent a proprietary technology of the nineteenth century (and earlier). is why objects become interesting, representative of ancient lifestyles, and are subject to a "rescue" the less symbolic.

Anyone wishing to participate should send photos of tanks in Rosario, Argentina or the whole region, provided they are digital photos resolcuión or high quality scans instead if photo paper .

The resolution shown is 200 or 300 mpx , or the maximum to provide the camera.

not necessarily be beautiful or decorative, can be even ruins, remains, cisterns single field, or just the tank that causes us any aesthetic impression or emotional. There must be obtained through propagation or downloaded from the internet, to give an original touch to the production, of course ...
Each photo will correspond to 1 (one) tank, the author can provide photos of one or more of these objects, always photographed with a personal and interesting . It is recommended that the photo describe the tank in order to have a complete perception of it. finally clarify that for the same tank, photographed by two authors, take account of the author who first supplied the photo.
The photos collected will be printed paper, and mounted in a cardboard holder. The images carry the name of the author of the picture and where the object was found.
For more details or questions, please contact the Chair or the Student Center, which has developed a form of design.
there also indicate the most appropriate way to deliver the photographic material according to the availability of each technology.
The exhibition managed to mount in the center of Villa Hortensia Northern District (which has a well ...) Hopefully
willing and able to participate.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Important Facts Of Cystic Fibrosis


Hi everyone! I know that at this time should be studied. In two months I will present again the selectivity and time passes quickly. Fortunately I'm a little stuck on the issue and I think if I get distracted, as I did this last week, I will approve it.
Why I write now? Well simply because yesterday I had a chat with Manoel in which I said I had to study, not by him but by me. And to stop spinning (I started to clean the bathroom Angie, taking out the garbage and do any less studied). In the morning I went to buy a book and find a resonance that was Manoel but in the afternoon and was unemployed. I am going through what was happening at home when I was a test: if I put a clean put me to cook. Do not tell me they have not been through it once. Maybe not cook or clean but otherwise engaged.
Well so I was. But is that so hard to regain the habit of studying after so many years. And much more knowing I did several years of a career and now I get back. It's like coming to the CBC! Anyway there is no other not?
And yesterday I began to study while listening to music late of Pablo Milanes and had a beautiful song that goes right to my beloved. Yolanda called (I think). Ahi
I leave but when you hear Yolanda says Manoel hahaha!
Thanks for being with us forever.
certainly happy for those who celebrate Easter.
A big hug for everyone.


This can not be no more than a song;
would be a declaration of love, romantic
, regardless
in ways to curb what I feel now in abundance.
I love you, I love you
forever, I love you.

if I do, I will not die;
if I die, I want to be with you. My loneliness feels
why sometimes I know I need
your hand, your hand
forever, your hand.

When I saw you knew it was true that fear of finding myself
You undress me with seven reasons, I open the chest
whenever I
hills of love, of love
forever, loves.

If I ever feel defeated, resigned
see the sun each morning, praying the creed
you taught me,
your face and say look in the window:
Yolanda, Yolanda
forever, Yolanda

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spaghetti Bridge Build Step-by-step

The direction of the Museum of the City, by the arch. Raul d'Amelio, today approved the project entitled WORKSHOP 4-, which consists of a regular meeting to discuss specific problems of the museum.
The idea is that students and faculty to discuss on issues that museums provide as malfunctions, heritage conservation, restoration, etc., with a real base of work in two hours and get real answers, verifiable and possible.
A by Ms. Sandra Squire and arch. Cons. Gustavo Fernetti Museum, the first workshop will be held on Friday May 29, at 4 pm till 6 in the conservatory of the museum.
(For those who want to come, bring mat and heat, to have a pleasant day of work)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Jack Daniels Leather Belt


is going to a museum and "cut it".
other words: choose a sector, area, item or place, may be an exhibit, the lighting, flooring, windows, per staff, even an audience.
not we forget two things:
chosen then be observed (the cut), taking notes as needed, or photos. Outside the museum, be written about him l or you want to say.
style, literary form, focus, etc., are left to the discretion of the group, seeking professional treatment of the subject. Photos can be incorporated. The work group is preferably within the possibilities of each. The format of the sheet will be A4, printed, no folder, just the leaves fastened together. Do not forget to put the names. The work will be discussed in the classroom with other students.
Delivery: Friday April 9 in class.
Luck, and the museum.

Friday, March 27, 2009

How To Kill Lice Eggs With Anti Dandruff

What will we use in a year?
This question is usually done when I know that in Museology "is drawn."
We also know that the economic situation does not always buy all the equipment that should, but we can make a basic list of items to get. We say "get" because even though these elements must be used, not necessarily must be purchased and may be provided by friends or acquaintances.
Of course, the use will be extended by three years of the race: Museology I, II and III.
Several of these items will be used throughout the year, others will be used according to the project of each group.

The elements used are:

drawing tools:
  • brackets of 45 ° and 30 °, medium (30 cm.'s Side approx.).
  • common Scalimetre plastic
  • Rules 20 to 30 cm.
  • tape measure 3 to 5 mt.
  • Rule T
  • A table for drawing at home.
  • HB pencil and B
  • microfibers or black pens for the last ink (optional)
  • Erasers Ink white (not "two flags")
  • color micro fiber and
drawing tools of potential use and according to the group project:
  • health 1:50 (there is one in library)
  • drawing compasses
  • pistols
Paper and supplies:
  • A4 Sheets
  • Paper 60 g plant. or 35 x 50 Finnish
  • 35 x 50 white construction paper
We take for granted that the items listed can be purchased in groups, or shared for use. REPEAT THAT YOUR PURCHASE IS NOT MANDATORY, BUT THAT WILL BE REQUIRED FOR (all) THE RACE.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Engine Run Out Of Diesel

The dictionary says:

institution dedicated to the acquisition, preservation, study and exhibition of objects of value to science, for art, for culture or for the development of human knowledge: art museum, archaeological museum. / / Building or premises for the exhibition, properly ordered, of these objects. / / Building used for the study of literature, science and liberal arts. / / Fig place where there are many works of art.

The definition of "art" is another, and had its own history. Recall that at the time of the first definitions of ICOM (International Council of Museums, UNESCO-dependent), was only 2 years old who had finished 2nd. World War devastated museums, and heritage destroyed, sold or stolen, and it was recently established UNESCO (November de1945).
To define the museum, ICOM (year 1946) believed - and believes - that was based on certain characteristics, both economic and functional and social. Let us briefly
chronological journey through the "official" definition.

0. ICOM was created in May 1946, a year after the UNESCO.

1. Article 3 of the Statutes of ICOM, 1947, provided that the ICOM:

"recognizes the quality of any institution museum preserves and presents permanent collections of cultural or scientific basis for study, education and delight. "

2. In 1951, Article II said

"The word museum refers to all permanent institution here, given the general interest with a view to preserving, studying, evaluating, by various means and essentially expose for pleasure and education of the public a set of items of cultural value: collections of art objects, historical, scientific and technical, botanical gardens and zoos, aquariums ... "and" shall be treated as public libraries, museums and centers of files containing the permanent showrooms. "

3. In 1961, Title II, Article 3 makes clear:

" The ICOM Museum recognizes the quality of any institution which has sets of cultural property for conservation purposes, study, education and delectation.

4. In 1968 there is another change. Title II, Article 3 is amended as follows:

"ICOM Museum recognizes the quality of all permanent institution that preserves and presents collections of objects of cultural or scientific research purposes, pleasure and delight. "

Currently, in its view, an international NGO, founded in 1946 under the auspices of UNESCO, and its statutes approved by the 16 General Assembly of the Hague Convention of 1989 and amended by the General Assembly of Stavanger 18 (Norway), 1995, as set out in Article 2:

"A museum is a permanent institution, non-profit, serving the society and its development, and open to the public , which deals with the acquisition, conservation, research, information transmission and display of material evidence of individuals and their environment for study, education and recreation. "
As you can see, there are several functions to be performed by the museum:
1) retain all expressions of human activity and natural
2) to investigate the cultural heritage;
3) educate humanity;
4) entertain the leisure of man.
To view the "official word" of ICOM:

ALONSO, L. (1993) Museology. Introduction to the theory and practice of the museum. Madrid. Isthmus, Ed
HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ, F. (1994) Manual of museology. Madrid. Synthesis, Ed
Dictionary of the English Language Manual Vox. © 2007 Larousse Editorial, SL

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Buy Kathryn Beich Online

Sent to by Tuny Cagliolo

We are a group of professionals and students of the Preservation and Restoration he intends to call colleagues and partners to create a space for exchange of information, knowledge and experiences in order, in the future, to build a partnership that contributes to the development of the profession. This is an invitation to all those who study and work in conservation and restoration of cultural property and are interested in meeting to share knowledge and discuss ideas. The results of the meetings will be posted on a blog that will soon be created as a place of communication open to the entire community. Interested parties may send an email to: , confirming their interest in participating to be told the date of the first meeting to be held in April. Can forward this invitation to all those who believe that interest you.

count on your participation. Tuny

Thursday, March 19, 2009

How Can I Watch South Park With Subtitles

Implemented by Ms. Sandra Squire and the arch. Cons Gustavo Fernetti Museums, has asked the City Museum to open a physical space for learning, so-called "Greenhouse", which will run throughout the year a series of workshops.
The idea is to try to reverse a basic problem of teaching of museology. The issue of museum practice concrete, real, everyday, the importance of making reasoned decisions, making a critical professional development of personal criteria for the activity based on the theory and experience in order to give students an anchor to reality museum.
These workshops, if approved the project, will include the presentation of specific issues surveyed in the museums of the region, in order to reflect on the actual operations of the museum.
The theme of the workshop will "And then ... What we do ...? "
The methodology will be 4 groups, in workshop mode vertical, to think the solution to a problem based on the museological concepts learned in the School of Museology. 4 questions will be formulated key, usually done by museum curators active. The attendance to the course is free, trying to form study groups linked to the museum, find results.
be given the relevant documentation such as photocopies in order to have a conceptual body "at hand" when thinking about solutions to the problem proposed. This will be real, if possible unresolved as to whether or solutions already designed preconceptions. Where possible, there will be objects and original documents provided by several museums, materials and tools for the job at hand. Finally
groups delivered a paper, stating the proposed solution to the problem.
The workshops will be held on Friday at 4 pm once a month and has asked the museum, in a note to the director, Arch. Raul D'Amelio, the form of the certificates of attendance and participation in the cycle.

Monday, March 9, 2009

La Fitness Locations Ontario

A day in the snow!

Iron Wrinkles Projector Screen

WHAT the museum is?
The definition seems inadequate training that deals with the "physics" of the museum. The part of the museum that deals with the right techniques or not, to provide a sample or exposure
This definition becomes more complex when we see that the museum is supplied in this field, experience that can only museology. Results grounds of the museum, the influence of the colors or the font of the brackets, the perception of sounds in the exhibition, the height of the panels or windows, and even the materials that have been used as part of an extensive body cumulative experience. But also solves the problems linked to the museum with their society: the generation of a communication with his audience, or the perception that the public has of the museum itself or are in the curating the concrete expression while a survey.
Museography part of a vast empirical body complex, which constitutes the support of a "theory", the museum itself, with its different views and ideologies. Thus, "museum theory", and while not saying so, ranging from the technological or communication, to the social, economic and political.
At the same time, it is specifying museology in the exhibition hall, museum curators what they think about the complexity of the museum and society. Knowledge, attitudes and values \u200b\u200bdesigned for and by the museum to be translated into colors, images, texts, sound, space, dimensions.
is therefore a spiral path, every exhibition is based on a concept and then gives an experience, then every experience generated after concept.
Museography provides answers to problems, and then they are incorporated into the theoretical as solutions viable.
This feedback is not viable without constant evaluation, on a permanent critical in the proper selection of references for each case to solve. Nor can
-a risk of a dilettante - avoid "theoretical framework" of the museum, would circumvent the professionalism of museum curator.
Finally, can only act within the room of a museum by the reflection, which is the theory itself: think of a museum exhibition is thinking. We understand then the term closed spectrum theory as indisputable concepts, or as a look of scientific pretensions, but as a wide dynamic range of problems and responses, ranging from technical to social.
Since the museum curators tend to like the definitions, we can give one, then:

Museography exhibition is the practice of museology.

The Chair of Museology I tries to articulate that theory with practice that, to stop being a mere "common sense" and the professional work is affixed to creative thinking.
To see other views:

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Saran Wrap Preparation H Is It Dangerous

DRAWING PAPERS The technical drawing is usually done on paper (made also in the computer) and that role is not always the same.
We must differentiate between drawing paper, art papers and papers for use in museum (museological) the latter must be chemically neutral even though it is quite possible, at most, may require some alkalinity, so it does not affect objects that may come into contact with the paper.
drawing papers used in technical drawing are classified as White
: are common stock, have a load of glue and chalk mixture which makes them resistant to moderately absorbing. The ink is irreversible once made a drawing in these roles. Often have variable acidity. The best white papers are slightly alkaline (like paper SCHOELLER) to retard yellowing. It comes in various formats and weights (weight per m2)
Acid-free: are roles in general for printing ink, resistant to yellowing. The characteristic "acid-free" is generic, but some office papers are sold under that label, such as paper Okidata C5000, C7000 and C9000.
Sketch: large format white paper, with a larger load of glue on one side.
tracing: (also called "parchment" or "tailor") are very open frame roles, which allow light to pass through or are translucent. Serve to make drafts and sketches
greater brand paper, or documentary : white paper is high or very high quality, weighing from 70 to 100g/m2, smooth, textured iridis or satin. A great brand is the oldest European factory MAGNANI, but most production is for top quality art paper, card, original artwork, etc., and their quality is a very expensive material. Paper plant
: role is to deal with the sulfuric acid paper fibers, resulting in a very homogeneous mass, which is incorporated then resins, formerly Canada balsam. It is rigid, cracks forming white lines and is highly absorbent of humidity. China ink can be erased with rubber wheels or by scraping (commonly called "Gillette"). Is a paper document and is generally free of acids by an alkalinization process, with a pH around 8. Must be kept very well, because the humidity, however slight, deforms the fibers, the softening resins.
The weight per meter (weight) ranges from 60 g/m2 (light) to 200 g/m2 (extra dense).
Finnish: lightweight tracing paper (40 g/m2) or open weave paper treated with resin cheap. They are very thin, and are often used as a draft. The tracing paper is often treated replace it with some advantage, tracing paper of 60 g/m2. At 30 to 40 g/m2, for use in printing, is often called "Bible paper." Cardboard
: paper are heavyweight (over 110 g/m2) and used for presentation drawings. Cardboard
museological: are high pH, \u200b\u200bwhich is slightly alkaline. The pH is usually 8 or more. Museological papers have a reservation, this means they take longer to acidify, an effect that is evident in the yellowing. Nor have lignin, which affects its tannin content, objects in contact with the paper. The best-known brands are DEKORA, Schöller, WATT, and FABRIANO MUSEUM BOARD. The frequent indication to describe this type of paper is ACID FREE. Those used for technical drawing are very shiny (coated one or both sides, although there are opaque)
Paper graph: is often used in archaeological excavations in mapping. Paper
Japan: paper whose mass is made by soaking a cotton cloth. One of the most used museological materials, because it's not loading any queue or unknown chemicals. Highly absorbent, is not used for technical drawing, but for posters, labels, tabs, wrappers, envelopes, etc. contact with objects. They come in various weights, from paper to cardboard.
polyester, synthetic paper precision drawings or plotted, it comes in rolls with an exact weight of 100 g/m2, and very stable. If the paper gets wet, is not altered.
mention the roles that are not used specifically in technical drawing:
KRAFT paper or book: unloaded a grand role in the mass, but many in a d
and the faces, which is brighter. It is usually very bad paper for museum, white, gray or brown, according to the fiber. It is often used for drafts or wraps. Canson
: textured cardstock for artistic drawing, the name comes from a trademark. Not museum. A brand known is Michelangelo.
colored paper handmade, painted: are just for display, not usually present different museological and takeovers, generally unknown composition.

To learn more about roles for museum use and the varieties available in the market, you can visit, for example, a firm specializing page DEKORA . php
elemental For a glossary on paper:

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

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more difficult
The drawing is always done in pencil: it blurs, it's dirty, and the mine leaves irreparable grooves.

But the picture is faster to do, it reversible, if we work, y. .. and have to start somewhere.

should - so to speak - and start drawing:

1. Use HB pencil type, not too soft (it is very dirty) or too hard (mark too). To learn more about hardness of graphite mine, see "pencils" in the bar of topics, here next page.
2. Draw gently, without pulling the pen. Do not leave the line, continue it until the end
3. Turn the pencil to draw, the sharp tip lasts much longer than using it on one side (not "chanflea)
4. Do not use the scale ruler as a rule: for that are the squares.
5. If you do not have much confidence in being fair to draw, place a white paper under your hand.
6. Not interrupt lines. Is better "pass" and delete, to splice. That never looks good.
7. To erase using a soft rubber and white, not the "Two Flags" red and blue, because it produces patches are irreversible.
8. No need to erase everything to make a drawing, only necessary.
9. After outlining smoothly all the drawing, only then "play" with thicker lines only where necessary.

10. No hurry.
11. The lines should cross at the corners perfectly, giving better image to work.
12. If the blade is very dirty, you can cut a piece of white paper to serve as a template for deletion, removing stains, not just the lines.
12. Remove the auxiliary lines carefully, sometimes it is sharpening the rubber with a utility knife, leaving a sharp edge.

For the ink, if you follow these tips, things will be much easier.
input is irreversible ...

Carbon Detector Reading

Sometimes we find museums professionals made with love, but without much planning. These museums, where objects are stacked in mixtures confusing things everyday stories, fossils, furniture donations, donations from people who felt that this vase, that gun or that chair should go to the museum.
Around ten or twelve years of the centenary of the village or neighborhood, the objects are piled to the museum a character very similar to antique, dusty and static.
Moreover, confusion undermines the conservation of the building and the objects themselves.

The rooms are so crowded that "where to start?

Dust and moisture are added together, the loose plaster falling on parts, labels become illegible and audiences start to dwindle. The museum is "always the same," a place full of things, but ... is a place for old things.
-proven solution is to remove ALL-planned mission. All.
Once removed, room by room, they will be saved in an auxiliary tank until you restore the building. So there will be no problems is to solve an emergency building industry is not it?.
But then comes the best.
The idea is not displaying everything. The suggestion is to keep the objects and rediscover from time to time. It mu
and interesting to make a finding, for example, a sword that was known at the museum, but now with a whole different symbolism: find this sword.
surely have complaints. We can expect sentences how are you: "Where did that stop donated "or" have looted the museum . These phrases are common and may even bring labor or political problems.

be considered and convincing, because we are doing good.

To counter this, nothing better to explain what to do: save the items to keep them, because they were so long in poor conditions that need to be restored.
and reclaimed objects are cataloged, and successive samples are planned. Perhaps it is appropriate to make an exhibition of the museum itself, how to conserve and how to display, and about the need to be rotated samples for a better understanding of heritage.
If in addition we make the museum is filled with children, people who entertain and learn, the complaints are a thing apart, and may rebut that "now is a lot more people and be happy." The idea then is to return dynamic the museum, using the mobility to do multiple tasks essential. Thus, the museum will be different every month.

Another suggestion: why not find out whether the museum objects are effects of the museum?

in case. The chaos can be repeated.

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The part is an instance of individual consideration, raised by the ROIS You can view this procedure in the transparency of students, or downloaded from the Internet at this educational site: http://www . / redisperse / normativas_provinciales.htm .

The part consists of 5 (five questions) to note, more a question without notice No. 6, but mandatory response.
form is rendered with the "open book." has, according to specified by Student , A Recuperatorios instance.
  • Question 1 is about the Monge system, involving complete a drawing.
  • Questions 2, 3, 4 and 5 are about concepts given in class. Involve a relfexión by the student.
  • Question 6 final is always the same, year after year. You should read the book "The System of Objects" by Jean Baudrillard (it's in library) and answer this simple question: why the book is named?
Hint: the answer conclusions is obvious that in the end.


Baudrillard, Jean. 1991. The System of Objects. Contributor Francisco Gonzalez Aramburu. Translated by Francisco González Aramburu. Siglo XXI, 16 ed. Mexico DF

You can download parts of the book

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practical work and final exam
practical work are essential to pass the subject. We will not leave drawers, but professionals who understand and can express themselves with pictures.
You have to deliver and 75% approve of these TP , to become a regular student and eventually render the subject.
In practical work we do four and a final working draft of the Museum, which ends in a draft inaugural exhibition.
  • No. 1. Visiting a museum (if any) to watch a "cut" of it and have a report that was seen.
  • No. 2. Represent an object using technical drawing
  • No. 3. Relieve a exhibition
  • No. 4. Make an expository essay themed set.
  • No. 5. Final practical work.
What are the practical work?
All papers are in equipment.
The number of members is free, but we recommend no more than 4 people per internal operational issues (usually quarrel in larger groups).
final TP Guidelines
  • will be a draft Museum (Museum with all its parts ....) in the form of presentation folder
  • will be a subject search (not research) for an inaugural exhibition in the form of paper with charts, drawings and photos.
  • plans will be made on the sample: plants in scale 1:100 and 1:50, cuts and views necessary.
  • all media will be drawn in scale 1:10, 1:20, 1:25 or similar, (windows, Anel, easels, pedestals, brackets ...) with located objects, drawing and clarifying text, dimensions, colors, etc.. Locate the human scale (person)
drawn recommend that you serve for the exam, because it must occur all at pay.

  • A4 are given work 1, 2 and 3.
  • Comes in A4 format TP final monograph (draft Museum).
  • Comes in A4 format the essay topics and sample project.
  • Plans for the inaugural exhibition are free format.
The exam consists of a defense of the final N ° 5, and has four stages:
  • Questions about why
  • draft
  • Rationale Sample
  • travel Explanation for the sample thought
  • theoretical questions
recommend that the paper is used in support of the explanation of the route: ordered the papers! A monograph messy mistakes the teacher and above all, misleads the student. N ada left worse image to see a student frantically searching examination the right image among the papers.
why we recommend a neat presentation, and a rational explanation for a trip planned. Is not to "show off" (not bad eh?) But in order to present clearly and without contradictions own ideas.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Anusol And Preparation H Reviews

Well, two things to say. First
. Thank you all for the comments, happy birthday, best wishes, ... everything. Although there is no better gift for me to continue living together who love most, my beloved wife and my beautiful cat.
II. Speaking of cats. Angie has been telling me all week to launch a blog. Of course, with as many fans as it is online, but no place to receive feedback directly.
So, first thank you and encourage you to enter another's blog Angie.