Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What Happens When U Swallow Mouthwash

practical work and final exam
practical work are essential to pass the subject. We will not leave drawers, but professionals who understand and can express themselves with pictures.
You have to deliver and 75% approve of these TP , to become a regular student and eventually render the subject.
In practical work we do four and a final working draft of the Museum, which ends in a draft inaugural exhibition.
  • No. 1. Visiting a museum (if any) to watch a "cut" of it and have a report that was seen.
  • No. 2. Represent an object using technical drawing
  • No. 3. Relieve a exhibition
  • No. 4. Make an expository essay themed set.
  • No. 5. Final practical work.
What are the practical work?
All papers are in equipment.
The number of members is free, but we recommend no more than 4 people per internal operational issues (usually quarrel in larger groups).
final TP Guidelines
  • will be a draft Museum (Museum with all its parts ....) in the form of presentation folder
  • will be a subject search (not research) for an inaugural exhibition in the form of paper with charts, drawings and photos.
  • plans will be made on the sample: plants in scale 1:100 and 1:50, cuts and views necessary.
  • all media will be drawn in scale 1:10, 1:20, 1:25 or similar, (windows, Anel, easels, pedestals, brackets ...) with located objects, drawing and clarifying text, dimensions, colors, etc.. Locate the human scale (person)
drawn recommend that you serve for the exam, because it must occur all at pay.

  • A4 are given work 1, 2 and 3.
  • Comes in A4 format TP final monograph (draft Museum).
  • Comes in A4 format the essay topics and sample project.
  • Plans for the inaugural exhibition are free format.
The exam consists of a defense of the final N ° 5, and has four stages:
  • Questions about why
  • draft
  • Rationale Sample
  • travel Explanation for the sample thought
  • theoretical questions
recommend that the paper is used in support of the explanation of the route: ordered the papers! A monograph messy mistakes the teacher and above all, misleads the student. N ada left worse image to see a student frantically searching examination the right image among the papers.
why we recommend a neat presentation, and a rational explanation for a trip planned. Is not to "show off" (not bad eh?) But in order to present clearly and without contradictions own ideas.


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